Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Beginnings...

I decided to start a blog! A lot of my friends have one and said I would be surprised with how many people will actually read it, so here goes nothing!

5 months ago I graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a degree in speech pathology! I had spent the past 4 years of my life wrapped up in everything OBU and on May 8th I closed a chapter of my life. For those of ya'll who don't know, in August I moved to Blytheville, Arkansas started working at a small high school in that area, Armorel. I am a sign language translator for a 15 year old sophomore girl, and I really love my job.

Also for those of ya'll who don't know, while living in Blytheville, I share an apartment with a great roomie, my dad :)! We're going on 3 months being roommates and it has it's challenges but I'm really glad I have him there for me on bad days. I've gotten to practicing my awesome cooking skills on him and lets just say I've started being a really great housekeeper cleaning up after him! But in all seriousness it's great having my dad to be my roommate, it's a blessing that we have this time together.

This week is homecoming week at Armorel, and lets just say the kids are crazy, kinda makes me glad tomorrow's that last day!  It is a lot of fun though, and it makes me remember all my homecoming weeks from high school, all the dress up days and trying to win the spirit awards! Most days I leave work thinking you couldn't make me go back to my high school days for anything! But during this homecoming week I've had a slight change of heart. It was a fun time and I have some great memories from all those years! I'm excited to go to work tomorrow and see everyone in their orange and black, and watch the parade and pep rally, and later at the game watch the queen being crowned, oh the simple joys of being back in high school, just for a week :)

So this blog is just another thing to add to the list of new things in this chapter of my life! I think it will be great to write as more and more new things make their way into my life and I'm looking forward to it!

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